The Transgender and Gender Diverse Wellness and Equity Program provides comprehensive, lifesaving, and medically necessary gender-affirming care to transgender, gender diverse, and LGBTQ+ people throughout the state of Illinois. This statewide program includes training for healthcare professionals; a learning collaborative for providers to discuss challenges and successes; and a resource hub containing information about policies and procedures, tips for ensuring care that affirms each individual’s identity, and guidance on addressing discrimination, stigma, and harassment. PHIMC serves as the lead grantee for this program, which is funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services.
On November 4, 2024, a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) was released for providers of gender-affirming care in IDHS Region 2, which consists of Boone, Carroll, DeKalb, DuPage, Grundy, Jo Daviess, Kane, Kankakee, Kendall, Lake, Lee, McHenry, Ogle, Stephenson, Whiteside, Will, and Winnebago Counties. Applications closed on Friday, December 6, 2024, at 5:00 pm.
Bidder’s Conference Recording
Click here to download the slides from the Bidder’s Conference
The following answers to NOFO questions were updated on November 13, 2024
Click each link to see the questions and answers in that category.
Application Writing
Have the capacity concerns of grassroots and/or Black orgs, been considered when designing the capacity element of this NOFO?
IDHS and PHIMC have tried to be thoughtful about the capacity of grassroots organizations in the structure of this funding opportunity, and want to be able to provide as much support for grassroots and/or Black organizations as possible.
Are there any mechanisms that are in place to afford an equitable opportunity to this grant for smaller orgs, who possess the cultural competency to do this work, but may not have the resources to be able to hire a grant writer?
Awards will be determined based on the content of the proposal, including questions about how the organization engages with and uplifts the voice of the target population and what diversity, equity, and inclusion policies applicants have in place, and in some cases, require that all applicants work in the geographic boundaries of the communities they intend to serve. PHIMC also promotes equity by simplifying the process as much as possible, hosting bidder’s conferences, and providing technical assistance throughout the grant application process. These practices reduce common barriers smaller organizations with fewer resources face in grant writing.
Will slides be made available to attendees post-bidder’s conference?
Slides and a recording of the Bidder’s Conference will be posted on PHIMC’s website.
Are attachments counted in the total page count?
Attachments are not included in page limits.
Are Letters of Support needed with the application?
No, Letters of Support are not needed.
Could you please confirm that the information provided on the demographics of our board and leadership will not be shared publicly and is only used for the application itself and not in any other way?
Demographic information provided is for use by PHIMC and our reviewers in the NOFO review process. All reviewers sign confidentiality agreements. PHIMC will not publicly publish the demographic information of any applicant organizations.
Our organization does not track demographics for every program we offer to the LGBTQ+ community. Direct services with intakes are where we have the highest amount of information. Would it be preferred for us to enter the average estimates into the chart or to mark unknown and break out information per program?
PHIMC understands that demographic information is not always widely available across all programs or easily aggregated in the format we are requesting. As such, estimates are welcomed.
What time zone is used for the application due date and time?
Central Standard Time.
Exactly what do you need for the Certificate of Good Standing with the Illinois Secretary of State?
Certificate of Good Standing can be purchased here for $5.00.
We are a LHD and are considered a local government agency, what do we submit in place of the 501(c)(3) and certificate of good standing?
In Section 11. Supporting Documents, Attachment 5, there is additional information provided specifically for government organizations or those who are exempt from this. Attachment 5: Certificate of Good Standing from Illinois Secretary of State dated within six months of grant application submission date. If you are a government organization or otherwise exempt from this, please provide a statement indicating why the organization is exempt in place of the Certificate of Good Standing.
Are non-profit hospital systems eligible to apply based on the established criteria?
Applicants must be public or private, not-for-profit community-based organizations subject to 26 U.S.C. 501 (c) 3, or similar not-for-profit organizations in good standing with the State of Illinois. Failure to provide the requested information as outlined herein to demonstrate these criteria are met will result in the application being removed from funding consideration. Applicant organizations may be local health departments, community-based organizations, universities, school districts, individual schools, federally qualified health centers, and other not-for-profit organizations, including volunteer or religious organizations, that effectively engage TGD/LGBTQ+ populations in Illinois.
Clarification: While the eligibility criteria clearly outlines health departments and FQHCs as eligible organizations, it remains vague about hospitals and academic health centers. If not-for-profit hospitals and/or academic health centers meet the requirement of being a not-for-profit organization subject to 26 U.S.C. 501 (c) 3 and are in good standing with the State of Illinois, are they eligible?
Yes, non-profit hospitals or academic health centers that are subject to 26 U.S.C. 501 (c) 3 and are in good standing with the State of Illinois are eligible to apply and receive funding.
Could an organization operating in another Region apply for funding and expand to start offering services in Region 2?
Organizations operating in other Regions are eligible to apply to start providing services in Region 2. Grant funds must be used to provide services in IDHS Region 2 or a smaller community within IDHS Region 2.
To clarify, an organization must be a 501c or equivalent? Meaning a private business serving the community would not be eligible?
Without more information about the organization, this is difficult to answer. Overall, private or for profit entities are not eligible to apply. Applicants must be public or private, non-profit community-based organizations subject to 26 U.S.C. 501 (c) 3, or similar non-profit organizations in good standing with the State of Illinois. Applicant organizations may be local health departments, community-based organizations, universities, school districts, individual schools, federally qualified health centers, and other non-profit organizations, including volunteer or religious organizations, that effectively engage TGD/LGBTQ+ populations in Illinois.
If we don’t apply for this year’s funding, will there be another opportunity to apply for next year’s funding?
To be considered for funding for July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026, applicants must apply to the current NOFO. To fund a new organization, PHIMC would be required to initiate another NOFO process. At this time, PHIMC does not plan to initiate another NOFO process for July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026. PHIMC only intends to fund renewals for that time period.
Can we request less than the full funding amount for February 1, 2025 to June 30, 2025 and still ask for the full funding amount for July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026?
Yes, applicants can request less than the full amount of funding available for either fiscal year. PHIMC suggests that organizations request the amount of funding they need to initiate and maintain their proposed activities.
Are school district 501(c)3 foundations eligible to apply as a fiscal agent for the school district?
The answer as to who can apply is in the NOFO in Section 6, which indicates the following: Applicant organizations may be local health departments, community-based organizations, universities, school districts, individual schools, federally qualified health centers, and other not-for-profit organizations, including volunteer or religious organizations, that effectively engage TGD/LGBTQ+ populations in Illinois. If an organization is not a 501(3), but has a fiscal client/agent relationship, yes they are eligible to apply, however; the application would be in the name of the 501(3) agency with the fiscal client listed as well.
Would the funding include lost revenue for time spent in trainings?
Funding may not include lost revenue for time spent in trainings.
Can you provide more details about the reimbursement model?
The reimbursement model is all allowable costs expended for the program and should be submitted in the following month. No amounts in excess of the budget or not budgeted will be reimbursed so organizations should be sure to follow their approved budget.
Is it likely there will be a one-year renewal once the initial contract period ends?
Additional funding after June 2025 is subject to appropriation.
In the NOFO, it states that successful applicants will provide PHIMC with monthly reimbursement vouchers due on the 10th of each month. Our finance department closes their books on the 10th working day of each month, usually having the books closed by the 14th. Is there any leniency with submitting reimbursement vouchers for the months of the awarded grant or any other solution to this issue?
There is no leniency with the 10th working day of each month as PHIMC must submit all costs to IDHS by the 15th of the month. If the charges, for that month are not included they can be submitted for the next monthly reimbursement.
If we are collaborating with outside of our organization entity do we include them as a consultant, under our staffing, or something different?
They would be included in your budget under the Consultant line. The applicant must have a procurement policy in place regarding the selection of consultants (i.e. bidding).
Are there guarantees involved in the reimbursement process; in the event that PHIMC has a reimbursement delayed by the state, will subgrantee reimbursements also be delayed?
Should the state reimbursement process be delayed to PHIMC the delay would also extend to the subgrantee. PHIMC will make every effort possible to work with the state in receiving payment within the state’s normal payment guidelines.
Are there allowable expenses for the distribution of gift cards?
Gift cards are a form of direct financial assistance and therefore are not allowable.
Is this a pilot?
This funding was first made available in 2023, by the Illinois Department of Human Services and they awarded PHIMC as the lead agent. This NOFO will add to the existing services currently offered through the TGD Wellness and Equity Program.
Program Activities
Can the budget include the cost for a staff member to travel to Springfield for the required training?
Yes, please include travel costs to attend the POP Two Day Summit in Springfield in your budget.
A question on staff capacity building. Would it be an appropriate expense to fund the salary of an [incumbent] behavioral health staff with intentions of having said staff engage in the trainings and activities presented by this opportunity?
Yes, funding can be used to support either new or existing staff positions.
Are there trainings that you recommend we start taking now to enhance our skills in working with TGD populations?
The NOFO application does not require applicants to start taking training during the application process. PHIMC has resources for the TGD community, allies and advocates, and providers, including gender affirming care toolkits and guides for Providers, that can be accessed here.
Dates of POP Training that will be held in Springfield?
Training will be held in Spring 2025. The exact date has not been scheduled and will be provided to awarded applicants.
Reach of Services
Are funds for this grant only to be used for patients who are Illinois residents? Given the current climate patients from neighboring states have come to us for care.
As there is limited funding available, organizations are encouraged to prioritize activities that meet the needs of the people within their region, and to make every effort to utilize these funds for Illinois residents.
Is there an age range for the population served?
There is no age range for the population served.
Does the awarded organization have to cover all of Region 2 (meaning all counties)
No, applicants do not need to cover all of Region 2. In the Organization Overview Section, there is an opportunity to describe the geographic service area that will be supported by this funding.
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Learn more here or download the full NOFO.
Questions will be accepted through Monday, December 2, 2024 at 5:00 pm.
Applications close on Friday, December 6, 2024, at 5:00 pm.