Community Reentry

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Corrections Discharge Planning Training


Join PHIMC and other thought leaders for a free one-day training designed to educate and inform providers in both community-based and healthcare settings, on medical and non-medical discharge planning for justice-impacted people who have been incarcerated.This training consists of four


Illinois Reentry Pre-Conference Networking Mixer

Cara Collective 237 S. Desplaines Street, Chicago, IL

In the spirit of collaboration, Cara Collective and PHIMC are hosting an in-person Illinois Reentry Pre-Conference Networking Mixer on March 12, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM CST at Cara Collective. This event provides conference participants with a valuable opportunity

2025 Illinois Reentry Conference

UIC Student Center West 828 S Wolcott Ave, Suite 242, Chicago, United States

The Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago (PHIMC) Community Reentry Project hosts its annual Illinois Reentry Conference: Where Collaboration, Education, and Innovation Leads to Equity in Health Justice. This conference brings together people who are justice-impacted, their families, their advocates,


Combined Illinois Reentry Statewide & Taskforce Meeting


In the spirit of collaboration, the Illinois Reentry Statewide and Taskforce meetings have come together and will take place as joint meetings moving forward. The combined meeting is designed to support justice involved individuals and professionals within the fields of

Corrections Discharge Planning Training


Join PHIMC and other thought leaders for a free one-day training designed to educate and inform providers in both community-based and healthcare settings, on medical and non-medical discharge planning for formerly incarcerated individuals.This one-day training consists of four 75-minute modules

Combined Illinois Reentry Statewide & Taskforce Meeting


In the spirit of collaboration, the Illinois Reentry Statewide and Taskforce meetings have come together and will take place as joint meetings moving forward. The combined meeting is designed to support justice involved individuals and professionals within the fields of

Corrections Discharge Planning Training


Join PHIMC and other thought leaders for a free one-day training designed to educate and inform providers in both community-based and healthcare settings, on medical and non-medical discharge planning for formerly incarcerated individuals.This one-day training consists of four 75-minute modules

Combined Illinois Reentry Statewide & Taskforce Meeting


In the spirit of collaboration, the Illinois Reentry Statewide and Taskforce meetings have come together and will take place as joint meetings moving forward. The combined meeting is designed to support justice involved individuals and professionals within the fields of

Combined Illinois Reentry Statewide & Taskforce Meeting


In the spirit of collaboration, the Illinois Reentry Statewide and Taskforce meetings have come together and will take place as joint meetings moving forward. The combined meeting is designed to support justice involved individuals and professionals within the fields of

Corrections Discharge Planning Training


Join PHIMC and other thought leaders for a free one-day training designed to educate and inform providers in both community-based and healthcare settings, on medical and non-medical discharge planning for formerly incarcerated individuals.This one-day training consists of four 75-minute modules

Corrections Discharge Planning Training


Join PHIMC and other thought leaders for a free one-day training designed to educate and inform providers in both community-based and healthcare settings, on medical and non-medical discharge planning for formerly incarcerated individuals.This one-day training consists of four 75-minute modules