Why POP?

Protecting Our Patients (POP) mobilizes care teams to address biases and stigmas that harm the health experiences and outcomes of people in our care, and care providers. Addressing stigma and bias can be uncomfortable in professional settings.  However, there is a cost to stigma and bias that many care professionals are working to reduce in their clinics.

Practices that improve patient experiences and support comprehensive care include:

  • Integrating HIV screening as part of general health settings, thereby reframing HIV as a chronic health condition like diabetes and hypertension
  • Affirming everyone through reflective practice, allowing people in our care to bring their full selves to us without having to check part of who they are at the door

POP Mobilizes Care Teams by . . .

  • Using a staff-centric approach
  • Portraying the care team as heroes
  • Recognizing that all clinic personnel are essential in this effort, from frontline staff to care providers
  • Sharing a lively and colorful visual brand in order to engage everyone in the clinic and spread the message broadly
  • Using storytelling, role-playing, and scripting to transform and rally personnel

This approach ensures that people in care are supported and affirmed when interacting with a care system. Benefits include improved relationships with people in care, linkages to care, and retention in care.

Who Benefits from POP?

Care Teams learn ways to better interact with people in care, addressing their unique care needs and concerns.

Care Executives develop new policies and procedures to help staff excel in their work and to increase satisfaction and positive health outcomes for people in care.

People in Care work in partnership with their care team to openly discuss important and sensitive health matters and to create a care plan together.