Action Camp

Our largest youth leadership convening of each year, Action Campis a 5-day sleepaway camp that happens each August in order to bring together leaders from GSAs and youth groups across the state to learn from one another and shape the safer schools movement. Action Camp is a space often described as “magical” where youth are able to see their identities reflected back at them, sharpen their critical lens, strengthen their own anti-oppressive frameworks, and actively skill-share and practice what it means to create spaces in the world where all identities are safe, supported, affirmed, and celebrated. Action Camp is open to youth leaders who are rising 8th graders through rising Seniors in high school.  

Action Camp 2024 took place July 29 – August 2, 2024. During this week, campers participated in workshop learning and bunk bonding in the late morning followed up by a variety of afternoon activities, and ending the night with a camp-wide social event!

Sign up below for updates, and please contact with any questions.  

Thank you so much to our community partners!

Thank you to our sponsors of Action Camp 2024!