Our Trans Loved Ones

Questions and Answers for Loved Ones of People Who are Transgender or Nonbinary.

TransYouth Family Allies Learning the Lingo (Spanish)

Esta lista, compilada de varias fuentes, es terminología comunmente usada al hablar de variación, expression e identidad del género. Incluímos algunas palabras menos comunes ya que creemos describen con mas precisión las experiencias de jovenes variantes del género y sus

TransYouth Family Allies Learning the Lingo (English)

This list, compiled from various sources, is terminology commonly used when discussing gender variance, expression and identity. We embrace some less common terms because we believe that they more accurately describe the experiences of gender variant youth and their families.

Know Your Rights

Information provided by a collaboration between the National Center for Transgender Equality, Transgender Law Center, and Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund that describes what are the rights for transgender people regarding health insurance coverage and receiving health care as