Lawsuit Against Executive Order 14187

On January 28, 2025, Executive Order 14187 was signed, threatening to withdraw federal funding from healthcare institutions providing gender-affirming care to transgender youth and young adults. As a response to stop such harmful practices, PFLAG National, along with families of transgender youth, transgender young adults, and GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBTQ+ Equality, are challenging President Trump’s executive order that aims to restrict access to essential medical care for transgender youth and young adults. They are being represented by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Lambda Legal, ACLU of Maryland, and the law firms Hogan Lovells and Jenner & Block.

These organizations have filed a lawsuit in the federal District Court for the District of Maryland and are preparing to request an immediate restraining order to block the enforcement of the executive order.

PHIMC remains committed to providing safe and affirming environments for all. We will continue monitoring developments and create spaces for processing, shared learning, and organizing. For more information on the lawsuit, please click here.


  • PHIMC’s Alliance Advocacy Resources The Alliance collaborates with schools, school districts, and government agencies on policy and advocacy initiatives to support LGBTQ+ young people at local, regional, and state levels.
  • PFLAGPFLAG is the nation’s largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them.
  • Transgender and Gender Diverse Wellness and Equity Resources – Whether you are looking for guidance, community, or just want to learn more, please explore. 

Legal Resources

  • ACLU – With immigrant rights, trans justice, reproductive freedom, and more at risk, the ACLU is in courts and communities across the country to protect everyone’s rights. 
  • Lambda LegalThe oldest and largest national legal organization working for the civil rights of LGBTQ people and everyone living with HIV.

Educational Resources

  • Act Out – A national network of young people fighting back against attacks on LGBTQ+ youth.
  • AMAZE: Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Playlist – AMAZE uses fun animated videos to provide information and support around puberty and growing up. 
  • Hope in a Box – LGBTQ-inclusive curricula, training, and mentorship, using literature to cultivate empathy and ensure every LGBTQ student feels safe, welcome, and included at school. 
  • Trans-Affirming Schools Project Resource Guide (TASP) – The TASP guide equips K-12 educators with resources to build safer, more affirming school environments for transgender and gender expansive youth. 
  • 3Rs – A free, K-12 comprehensive sex education curriculum that is LGBTQ-inclusive, trauma-informed, and culturally responsive.   
Lawsuit Against Executive Order 14187

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